The population of São Gonçalo was 973,372 in 2006, and its area is. It is the second most populous city of the state, after the capital Rio de Janeiro city. Until recently it was the third largest, when Mesquita was split off as its own city from Nova Iguaçu. The municipality contains 4% of the Guanabara Ecological Station, created in 2006. It contains part of the Central Rio de Janeiro Atlantic Forest Mosaic of conservation units, created in 2006.
The type of climate of São Gonçalo is Atlantic tropical, with rainy summers and relatively dry winters. Temperatures vary throughout the year on and can have a maximum up to in summer, and a minimum close to during winter. Generally, temperatures range between the maximum of and minimum. But for the most part of the year, i.e. from May to October, the temperature is milder because the climate is drier and less hot.
São Gonçalo has a high index of population growth. The city has an estimated population of 1,049,826. According to the 2012 Census, the racial makeup of São Gonçalo includes: Whites, Brown, black or African, two or more races and Asian. Non-Brazilian population by any race was 3.5%, a high index compared to cities in Brazil. According to the same Census, São Gonçalo has a high index of poverty. 31.5% of the population were living in the line of poverty in 2012, down from the 81% in 1990. People considered "Class A" were just 4.7%.
The Rio de Janeiro StateTeachers Training College stands out in the city. It is the largest teachers' college in Rio de Janeiro state offering advanced training of senior staff. The campus offers undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences, History, Geography, Letters: Portuguese / Literatures, Letters: Portuguese / English, Mathematics and Pedagogy.More graduates from FFP pass state tests than any other teaching institution in Brazil. Its importance is magnified when one analyzes what an advanced training pole of senior staff from the UERJ is. Its students are mostly residents from Sao Goncalo, but many come fromNiterói, Rio de Janeiro, Itaboraí, and municipalities of the Baixada Fluminense region, among others. For many years, students of this campus demanding the implementation of a bus intercampi free to link to the Saint Mary UERJ Maracanã. The Polo Open University of Brazil has courses in the Consortium of Universities CEDERJ UFF, UFRJ and UFRRJ.
São Gonçalo has the following hospitals: Hospital Estadual Alberto Torres; Eye Hospital Niteroi; Hospital Luiz Palmier; Hospital Adam Pereira Nunes; Barone Hospital de Medeiros; Silveira Hospital Infantil Darcy Vargas, Hospital Pads, Hospital Santa Maria.
Garbage collection crisis
São Gonçalo suffers constantly from poor garbage collection services, and it is not uncommon for litter to accumulate on the streets. In December 2008, workers responsible for cleaning the streets went on strike, severely compromising public sanitation. In January 2011, garbage collection ceased for more than a week in some parts of the city. Now the problem is solved.