S&DR George England 2-4-0

The S&DR George England 2-4-0 were steam locomotives of 2-4-0 wheel arrangement built by George England for the Somerset and Dorset Railway and its predecessor, the Somerset Central Railway. There were frequent re-numberings, which explains the presence of two number 11s.

Tender engines built 1861-1864

  1. Built for Somerset Central Railway
  2. Engines sent to Fox, Walker and Company in 1874 were in part-exchange for new 0-6-0ST locomotives
Two of the engines sent to Fox, Walker were re-sold to the Bishops Castle Railway.

Tank engines built 1861

Tender engines built 1865

These were double-framed engines built to the design of James Cudworth for the South Eastern Railway. By the time they arrived, the SER no longer required them, so they were sold to the S&DR instead.
NumberBuild dateDisposalNotes
171865scrapped 1/1897
181865scrapped 1/1897