Russian School of Private Law

Russian School of Private Law is a graduate school of law of the Research Centre of Private Law under the President of Russian Federation, which is a public research institution located in Moscow, Russia. Being one of the leading Russian academic and research law schools, it offers a postgraduate program with specialization in Russian and comparative private law for applicants holding specialist or bachelor's degree in Russian law.
The school is located in Moscow and has a branch in Yekaterinburg.
Since July 23, 2015 the school is directed by Andrey V. Egorov.


The school and the Research Centre of Private Law were founded in 1994 by a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation for the purposes of modernization and development of the Russian legislation.
According to the Decree Moscow campus of the school, and its Ural branch were established "for the training of specialists with higher education in legislative and teaching knowledge of private law".

Educational process

Admission to the Russian School of Private Law is highly competitive due to the strict requirement of extensive knowledge of private law and limited number of places. In 2015 the school announced a call for 30 state-funded places in Moscow and 19 in Yekaterinburg, and 20 self-funded places.
A candidate must submit a 15–20-page essay on the civil law topic, present it before the Admission Committee and satisfy the relevant questions posed by the members of the Committee.
From 1994 the school graduated 20 classes.
As for now, there were 516 graduates from the campus in Moscow and 400 from the Ural branch.
The Moscow campus has 4 Departments:
The Ural branch has 2 Departments:
The school was established within the premises of the Research Council of Private Law and the Presidential Council for the Codification and Modernization of Civil Legislation.
The school plays a great role in the development of civil legislation in Russia and together with both Councils is actively involved in all national civil law-related activities, including:
The school's academic staff includes experts and members of both the Research Council of Private Law and the Presidential Council for the Codification and Modernization of Civil Legislation, arbitrators of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce, as well as visiting professors from other law schools.
The academic staff includes high-profile Russian lawyers and academics, such as :ru:Яковлев, Вениамин Фёдорович|Veniamin F. Yakovlev, :ru:Маковский, Александр Львович|Alexander L. Makovskiy, :ru:Суханов, Евгений Алексеевич|Eugeny A. Sukhanov,
:ru:Крашенинников, Павел Владимирович|Pavel V. Krasheninnikov, :ru:Дождев, Дмитрий Вадимович|Dmitry V. Dozhdev, and many others.
Among 40 members of permanent academic staff there are 12 Doctors and 21 Candidates of Legal Sciences.
The school keeps strong academic traditions and promotes employment of its graduates as teaching assistants and academic staff.


More than 100 graduates of the school pursued their academic career and received the Candidate of Legal Sciences degree.
Six graduates successfully defended their doctoral dissertations and received the Doctor of Legal Sciences degree.
Many graduates of the school work in the judiciary,
commercial legal practice.
The school's staff, graduates, and students are actively represented in legal seminars, conferences, and other events.