Russian NBC Protection Troops

The Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are special forces designed to conduct the most complex set of measures aimed at reducing the loss of associations and formations of the Ground Forces and ensuring their combat tasks assigned during operations in conditions of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, as well as at enhancing their survivability and protection against high-precision and other weapons.
The basis of the NBCP Troops is realised by multifunctional separate brigades of NBCP having in their composition subunits capable to perform all activities of NBCP.
The main tasks of the NBCP Troops include:
NBC Protection Troops is organised and conducted in corpore both in conduct of hostilities using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and without them and includes:
The NBCP Troops are developing as dual-purpose forces, able to solve tasks both in war and peace times, in the aftermath of accidents and disasters in industrial facilities hazardous radiatively, chemically and biologically. Further build-up of their capacity is realized by creating a modern system to identify and assess the extent and effects of weapons of mass destruction, integrated with automated control systems of troops and weapons and stable functioning in the NBC threat environment and strong electronic countermeasures. In addition, there is a process to equip formations, units and subdivisions of NBCP with new, highly effective means of NBC reconnaissance, individual and collective defence, technical means of reducing the visibility and masking, flame-throwing incendiary weapons, as well as to introduce improved materials, formulations, methods and technical means of decontamination.
