Ruggero Marino

Ruggero Marino is a retired Italian journalist, writer and poet who was special envoy and chief editor of Il Tempo, and worked under the direction of Gianni Letta.


He was responsible for the cultural editorials published in the famous Roman daily journal, Il Tempo. Marino is the author of the book Christopher Columbus and the betrayed Pope, published in four editions: 1st through 3rd, 4th. The fourth edition is adjourned and expanded, with an introduction by Prof. Franco Cardini. Marino also wrote 'Christopher Columbus, the Last of the Templars'. The text has been translated in seven countries, including the US and Canada.
Marino's text on Christopher Columbus, 'L'uomo che superò i confini del mondo' won the Culture of the Sea prize and was a finalist in the Premio Acqui Storia competition; a provocative theatrical version of the text was also produced. Marino was a member of the Commissione Scientifica per le celebrazioni in occasione del Cinquecentenario della morte di Colombo ; it was presided over by former Italian minister Claudio Scajola.
