Rufous hornbill

The rufous hornbill, also known as the Philippine hornbill and locally as kalaw, is a large species of hornbill.

Distribution and habitat

It is endemic to the Philippines, where it occurs in primary, mature secondary and disturbed forests on 11 islands: Luzon and Marinduque, Samar, Leyte, Bohol, Panaon, Biliran, Calicoan and Buad, Dinagat, Siargao, Mindanao and Basilan. It is still common locally, notably in the Sierra Madre of Luzon, but continues to suffer from substantial hunting pressure and widespread loss of habitat. They are one of the largest birds in a tropical lowland forest
, 1881


The bill of the nominate subspecies is entirely red, while the bill of the subspecies semigaleatus and mindanensis are pale yellow on the distal half.


It is sometimes called "the clock of the mountains" because of its periodic noontime call.


As with other hornbills, females seal themselves within the nest cavity, where they lay the clutch, and remain with the growing young for most or all of the nesting period. In some species, the male helps with the sealing process from outside the nest cavity. The nestlings and the female are fed by the male through a narrow vertical slit in the sealed nest opening, at times joined by non-breeding helper males.
Nesting time will last in average of 4–6 months. In this duration the male will provide food to his confine female and nestling. They maintain the year- pair bonds and will paired together until many years’ time. And engage a courtship feeding.