
The Rahuma and also known as are a Muslim community found in the state of Chohatan Sedwa Shiv Gadrarod Ramsar Taluka in Barmer Rajasthan Gujarat in India and a province of Umarkot Chachro Tharparkar Sindh in Pakistan. They are one of a number of communities of pastoral nomads found in the Banni region of Kutch. The community is also known as Rahuma, especially in Sindh.

History and origin

The Royma claim to have originated in Sindh, and claim to be Rajputs who converted to Islam. They initially migrated to Sukhpar village in Bhuj taluka, and then spread to other parts of Bhuj, Mandvi, Anjan and Lakhpat talukas of Kutch District. They are now mainly in the Kanthi region of Kutch. They speak Kutchi, with large number of Sindhi loanwords.

Present circumstances

The community is divided into a number of clans, called ataks, the chief ones being Mammia, Saad and Bidkia. They use the atak name as their surname. The community is endogamous, but does marry with other Samma communities, such as the Sameja. They do not practice clan exogamy as rule, but each clan is of equal status, and do intermarry. The community in fact prefer parallel cousin marriages.
The Royma are a community of Maldhari cattle breeders. In addition to cattle breeding, the Royma are also cultivators, and landless agricultural labourers. Like other Kutchi communities, many of them have migrated to other parts of India in search of employment. Like many Gujarati Muslims, they have a caste association, the Royma Jamat, which is responsible for the welfare of the community. They are Sunni Muslims.