Royal Artillery Bazaar

The Royal Artillery Bazaar is a residential and commercial locality to the west of general headquarters of Pakistan Army in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. Reminiscent of the British colonial times and named after the Royal Artillery, the area is more commonly known by the abbreviated name of 'R A Bazaar.'


R A Bazaar has a population of around 50,000, which includes a majority of Punjab, Pothoharis, Urdu speaking Muhajirs, Kashmiris and Pashtuns.

Important landmarks

It is situated between the General Headquarters of Pakistan Army and the Military Hospital.
It has a commercial area, residential area and some important static military units which include:
Housing colony of the Pakistan Telecommunication Limited and Askari apartments are important residential areas of R A Bazaar.
Rawalpindi office of the Postmaster General is also situated in R A Bazaar.

Important roads