Rover Environmental Monitoring Station

Rover Environmental Monitoring Station is a weather station on Mars for Curiosity rover contributed by Spain and Finland. REMS measures humidity, pressure, temperature, wind speeds, and ultraviolet radiation on Mars. This Spanish project is led by the Spanish Astrobiology Center and includes the Finnish Meteorological Institute as a partner, contributing pressure and humidity sensors.


All sensors are located around three elements: two booms attached to the rover Remote Sensing Mast, the Ultraviolet Sensor assembly located on the rover top deck, and the Instrument Control Unit inside the rover. Goals include understanding Martian general circulation, microscale weather systems, local hydrological cycle, destructive potential of UV radiation, and subsurface habitability based on ground-atmosphere interaction.
By August 18, 2012, REMS was turned on and its data was being returned to Earth. The temperature at that time: 37 degrees Fahrenheit. On August 21, 2012, one of two windspeedmeters returned data with errors. After testing it was concluded that it was broken, probably hit by a rock on descent. Martian winds can still be detected with the other sensor.
Reports are posted on the Center for Astrobiology website and daily.
Parts of REMS
The pressure sensor can detect pressures from 1 to 1150 Pa . For comparison, 1 atmosphere is 101,325 Pascals or 14.7 PSI.
The air temperature, wind speed and direction sensor for InSight Mars lander is based on REMS, also contributed by Spain.
