Roosevelt School (Lake Wales, Florida)

The Roosevelt School is a historic school in Lake Wales, Florida. It is located at 115 E Street. On March 29, 2001, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. Originally this school served the African-American Community or the Northwest community in Lake Wales. Currently it is an ESE vocational school specifically designed to teach and train students in grades 6-12 with learning disabilities to adapt and excel in society
Roosevelt School - This school was completed in 1937 and named for Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Classes were held for grades 1 - 9. In 1939, it became a full-fledged senior high school. In May 1940 the first commencement exercises were held with 13 students being granted diplomas. In 1950, the addition of Unit G was made; in 1955, Units A, B, D, E, were added and the gymnasium was constructed in 1957. Enrollment during the 1960s reached over 1,300. Roosevelt served African-American students from Frostproof as well as Lake Wales.
Roosevelt Academy - In the early 1980s Roosevelt was converted to a vocational school and is part of the Polk County School System.