Rolls Gracie

Rolls Gracie was a Brazilian martial artist. He was a prominent member of the Gracie family known for their founding of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and considered by some the family's best ever fighter. He was teacher of Rickson Gracie, Carlos Gracie Jr., Royler Gracie, Maurício "Maurição" Motta Gomes, Márcio "Macarrão" Stambowsky, Rigan Machado and Romero "Jacare" Cavalcanti. He died in a hang-gliding accident in 1982. His eldest son is Rolles Gracie Jr.

The Famous Five

The Famous Five was a nickname for the original five black belt students of Rolls Gracie, who were well-known for their fighting skills. Just prior to his untimely death, Rolls promoted a sixth black belt into the group. The established terminology persisted so that the following six men continued to be called "The Famous Five."