Roger and the Rottentrolls

Roger and the Rottentrolls is a children's comedy television series made for ITV by The Children's Company, which combined puppets with live action human actors. It was first broadcast on 13 September 1996, and ended on 25 February 2000.
Written by Tim Firth, it was based on characters created by Gordon Firth directed by Julian Kemp and executive produced by Robert Howes. The first series won the 1997 BAFTA for "Best Children's Entertainment Show", beating the Ant and Dec Show. Later series were nominated for awards from both BAFTA and the Royal Television Society.


Roger and the Rottentrolls started life as a book and audio tape, written by Tim Firth and commissioned by EMI and W H Smith and produced by Robert Howes and The Children's Company, intended as a 'spooky story' for children part of a series, of over thirty titles.
Tim's dad, Gordon, who had originally invented the characters, drew the designs for all the characters from which the puppets were made. The pilot for the television series was filmed in and around old lead mines in the Yorkshire Dales, by multi award winning documentary director/cameraman Paul Beriff, as a gesture of support for the project.
The television series was filmed at Brimham Rocks near Harrogate, Yorkshire. There were two spin off series: a half hour special for the BBC named Combat Sheep, and a series for pre school children called Ripley and Scuff.


The series followed the adventures of Roger Beckett in Troller's Ghyll as King of the Rottentrolls. He was crowned King of the Rotten Trolls after crashing his bike in the valley. As well as ruling over the Rottentrolls, Roger teaches them about things like sport and politics, and, in return, learns a few lessons himself.

Actors and Narrator

There were three humans on screen in the series:
The Rottentrolls are a group of strange, knee-high creatures who have been waiting for the return of their king for centuries. A thousand years ago, their ancestors were accidentally brought by a snow cloud summoned by Merlin, who was attempting to turn the valley into a ski resort for King Arthur. They found the name 'Roger Wasere' carved into a rock, and interpreted it as the name of their king. When young Roger entered the valley and shouted 'Roger was 'ere!', the current Rottentrolls crown him their king. The Rottentrolls include:
Their names are all taken from places in Yorkshire. Tim Firth said about how he named the Rottentrolls: "I put a compass in the OS map of the area, centred on Troller's Ghyll and drew a circle of about 5 cm radius. I then harvested the strangest-sounding villages and geographical features. These then seemed to suggest, bizarrely, the colours of various mad characters. Yockenthwaite would clearly be an idiot because it had a 'k' in it. Sigsworthy Crags would clearly be off his trolley, but older. Penyghent would be female... and so on. I wish every assembly of characters was that easy."
The voices of the Rottentrolls were provided, in the first series, by John Thomson, Phil Cornwell and Rebecca Front. In later series Ronni Ancona replaced Rebecca Front.

Other creatures

There were four series of Roger and the Rottentrolls and 36 episodes.

Season 1

  1. Coronation Valley
  2. The Rubbish Monster
  3. Rottentroll of the Year
  4. The Extraordrinary Dinner Telephone
  5. King Yockenthwaite
  6. The Giant Floating Sprout
  7. The Great Rescue

    Season 2

  8. The Civil War
  9. The Great Television Franchise
  10. The Miner's Strike
  11. The Gambling Crisis
  12. The Art Gallery
  13. The Football Sponsorship Scandal
  14. Dirty Tricks
  15. The First Rottentroll Revolution
  16. The Complimentary Cafetiere

    Season 3

  17. The New Princess
  18. The Monsters of Rock Festival
  19. Commander Harris Loses It
  20. The Almighty Underwater Chicken
  21. Twelve Angry Trolls
  22. The Incredibly Frightening Sheet
  23. The Rottentroll Olympics
  24. The Appalling Voice Swap
  25. The Mid-Air Disaster
  26. The Time Capsule
  27. The Trendy Trainers
  28. The Stake Out
  29. Trucklecrag's Aftershave

    Season 4

  30. The Four Missing Eyes
  31. The Cattle Grid World Tour
  32. The Extremely Tempting Caravan
  33. Full Metal Jimjam
  34. Sigsworthy's Final Rocket
  35. Yockenthwaite, the Amazing Puppet
  36. Commander Harris in Love

    VHS and DVD releases

The first series of Roger and the Rottentrolls was released on VHS as 'Roger and the Rottentrolls: A Complete Set of Adventures' in 1998. The second series was released in two parts: 'Combat Without Contact' and 'State of Emergency', both of which were released on both VHS and DVD.
All four series were released on DVD in March 2020 as part of the Kaleidoscope archive project.