Robertson Airfield

Robertson Airfield, licensed according to South African Civil Aviation Authority standards, is an unmanned municipal airport situated 1 km to the east of the Western Cape town of Robertson in South Africa.


Robertson Airfield is located 1 km to the east of the town of Robertson in the Western Cape Province on South Africa’s wine route - Route 62.


The Communication Frequency for Robertson Airfield is 124.80 The airfield is unmanned.


AvGas is available by arrangement – Alwyn du Plessis 083 270 5888.
There is currently no Jet A1 available.

Activities at Robertson Airfield

Skydive Robertson

operates from the airfield on weekends and public holidays and facilitates tandem skydiving, static line progression training, accelerated freefall progression training and provides a facility for sports skydivers. The operation is a Parachute Association of South Africa approved and registered drop zone, licensed for sports skydiving and student training.