Roberto Battiti

Roberto Battiti is an Italian computer scientist, Professor of computer science at the University of Trento, director of the LIONlab, and deputy director of the DISI Department and delegate for technology transfer.


Battiti received the Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Trento in 1985, and the Ph.D. in Computation and Neural Systems from the California Institute of Technology in 1990 under supervision of Geoffrey C. Fox.
His main research interests are heuristic algorithms for problem-solving, in particular Reactive Search Optimization, which aims at embodying solvers with internal machine learning techniques, data mining and visualization.
Battiti was elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2009, in recognition of his "contributions to machine learning techniques for intelligent optimization and neural networks", is author of highly cited publications,.
He wrote the books The LION way. Machine Learning plus Intelligent Optimization. and Reactive Business Intelligence. From Data to Models to Insight.,
about integrating data mining, modeling, optimization and interactive visualization, into an end-to-end discovery and continuous innovation process powered by human and automated learning. His ideas form the basis of the Grapheur and LIONsolver software.

Selected publications

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