Rivka Oxman is an Israeli architect, researcher, and professor at the Technion Institute in Haifa. Her research interests are related to design and computation, including digital architecture and methods, and exploring their contribution to the emergence of new paradigms of architectural design and practice.
Oxman has published papers in scientific journals, conference books, and as invited chapters in books.
Oxman Rivka. "Design Shells: A Formalism for Prototype Refinement in Knowledge-Based Design Systems". Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Vol. 5, No. 9
Oxman Rivka. "Prior Knowledge in Design, A Dynamic Knowledge-Based Model of Design and Creativity" Design Studies, Butterworth-Heinemann. Vol.11, No.1
Oxman Rivka. "Precedents in Design: a Computational Model for the Organization of Precedent Knowledge", Design Studies, Vol. 15 No. 2
Oxman Rivka. "Design by Re-Representation: A Model of Visual Reasoning in Design" in Akin O. a special issue on Prescriptive and Descriptive Models of Design, Design Studies, Vol. 18, No. 4
Oxman Rivka "Educating the Designerly Thinker” in W.M. McCracken, C.M. Eastman and W. Newsletter special issue on Cognition in Design Education, Design Studies Vol. 20, No.2
Oxman Rivka. “The Mind in Design - A Conceptual Framework for Cognition in Design Education” in C. Eastman, W.M. McCracken and W. Newsletter Knowing and Learning to Design: Cognition in Design Education, Elsevier, Oxford
Bar-On D.* and Oxman R. “Context Over content: ICPD, A Conceptual Schema for the Building Technology Domain” Automation in Construction, Vol 11, No.4
Oxman Rivka. “The Thinking Eye: Visual Re-Cognition in Design Emergence”. Design Studies, Vol. 23 No. 2
: This paper received the Annual Design Studies Best Paper Award, granted by the Design Research Society and Elsevier Science.
Oxman Rivka, Palmon O.* Shahar M. and Weiss P. T.. "Beyond the Reality Syndrome: Designing Presence in Virtual Environments" in Architecture in the Network Society, ECAADE 2004, European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark
Oxman Rivka “Theory and Design in the First Digital Age” Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3
Sass L. and Oxman Rivka “Materializing Design” Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3
Oxman Rivka "Digital Architecture: Re-thinking Theory, Knowledge, Models and Medium - Challenge to Digital Design and Design Pedagogy"
Oxman Rivka “Performance based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues” IJAC International Journal of Architectural Computing Vol. 6 Issue 1
Oxman Rivka “Morphogenesis in the theory and methodology of digital tectonics“ in a special issue on Morphogenesis, IASS: Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 51
Oxman Rivka and Oxman Robert Guest Editors, “The New Structuralism: Design, Engineering and Architectural Technologies”, a special issue of Architectural Design. Wiley Publications, July 2010,
Theories of the Digital in Architecture - Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman, Editors,
Lectures and presentations
Oxman's public lectures and keynotes tend to be on digital design, education, computation, and design cognition.
"Informed Tectonics in Material-based Design" in SIM, the, Lisbon, Portugal
"The New Structuralism" in CAAD, the, Liege, Belgium
"Morphogenesis in Archi-Engineering" in IASS 2008, The 6th International Symposium on Structural Morphology, Workshop on Digital MorphogenesisAcapulco, Mexico
"Theoretical Foundations of Digital Architecture" in the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Design, Porto Alegre, Brazil
"The Challenge of Design Computation" in ECAADE 5th International Conference of the European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, ViennaUniversity of Technology, Vienna, Austria