Rindon Johnson

Rindon Johnson is an American artist and writer. Johnson has exhibited and performed widely at exhibitions in New York, Berlin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Johnson's multidisciplinary art practice blurs the line between photography, sculpture, and performance using various materials such as leather, light, Vaseline, video, photography and wood to explore aspects of lived space, memory, and history. Johnson is a published author and co-runs the online poetry website, Imperial Matters, with Sophia Le Fraga. Johnson lives and works in Brooklyn, New York and Berlin, Germany.

Early life and education

Johnson was born in San Francisco, California in 1990. Johnson graduated from New York University and received their MFA from Bard College in 2018.


Johnson is the author of several books including the chapbook, No One Sleeps Better Than White People, published by Inpatient Press and the virtual reality e-book, Meet Me in the Corner. In 2017, Johnson collaborated with multidisciplinary artist Ser Serpas on Shade the King, a book of stream-of-consciousness-inspired poems by Johnson and abstract drawings by Serpas.
Johnson has written for a number of online and print art publications such as The Brooklyn Rail, Cultured Magazine, Hyperallergic, and Artforum and has taught several courses at Bruce High Quality Foundation University.


Solo exhibitions
Two-person exhibitions
Selected group exhibitions