Right-Green People's Party

The Right-Green People's Party was a right-wing political party in Iceland founded on 17 June 2010.


On 27 February 2016, the party was disbanded joined the new Icelandic National Front party.

On the Issues

The Right-Green party identified with classical liberal and eurosceptic policy within a libertarian context and considered its platform fairly similar to that of former U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul.
The party plans to abolish governmental monopolies like Mjólkursamsalan and State Alcohol & Tobacco Company.
It also rejected the idea of Iceland joining the European Union, although it wished to put the issue to a referendum. The Right-Green party rolled out plans to replace the Icelandic króna, while rejecting the Euro; choosing instead to introduce a new currency, the "Ríkisdalur" which would be pegged to the US dollar.
The party advocated the introduction of a 20% flat tax, halt further increases in spending and freeze public hiring for at least four years. It also supported the immediate abolition of customs duties, import tariffs and excise taxes.
It also had a conservationist agenda and called for better protection of Icelandic nature.


The name Right Greens was a pun on the Left Green Movement, which is known as the Left Greens.

Election results

