Richard Wildeman

Richard Wildeman is a computer animator, part of the award-winning Science North Production Team. Science North is a science centre producing multi-media exhibits, displays and IMAX films. His most recent film is about bird migration education produced for the Philadelphia Zoo.

Selected works and multimedia experiences

Aztec Theatre - Aztec On The River - TEA's Thea Award Winner

Concorde Experience - Barbados Concorde Museum - Concorde aircraft histories

Waterworks -

Ground Rules - Caterpillar Inc.

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory - Object Theatre Update

Xstrata: Rags To Riches -

Migration Story - Philadelphia Zoo

Creatures of the Abyss - International Multi-Media Exhibit

Critical appraise

The production team were among the winners of the 14th annual international TEA Themed Entertainment Association Thea awards.