Results for Development

Results for Development is a global nonprofit strategy consulting organization. "

Regions & Countries

Results for Development is active in more than 55 countries.


Board of Directors

Current members of the board include Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Jorge Quiroga,, Julio Frenk, Roberto Danino, Doug Hattaway, Ozgur Karaosmanoglu, Dzingai Mutumbuka, Mark W. Hinkley, and former R4D President David de Ferranti, who chairs the board.

Leadership Team

The leadership team at R4D includes President and CEO Gina Lagomarsino, Executive Vice President Marty Makinen, Executive Vice President Nathaniel Heller, Chief Financial Officer Quoc Nguyen, Chief Communications Officer Heather Luca, Chief People Officer Ryan Noll and Managing Director Augustin Flory.