Reserva Natural Punta Cucharas

Reserva Natural Punta Cucharas is a nature reserve in Barrio Canas, Ponce, Puerto Rico. It consists of both a land area component as well as an offshore marine area. The land component has an area of while the marine component has an expanse of, for a total area of. The Reserve consists of mangrove ecosystems, coastal sand dunes, a saline lagoon known as Laguna Las Salinas, open water, and a century-old local community. The lagoon occupies and area of Ecological protection is managed and enforced by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. Eight activities are allowed at the Reserve: scuba diving, boating, fishing, hiking, sun bathing, photography, bird watching and canoeing. Activities prohibited are: Camping, crabbing/trapping, horseback riding, water crafting, and hunting. Pets, ATVs, and fireplaces are also prohibited.


In 2001, the Puerto Rico Ornithology Society started promoting the conservation of the Las Cucharas area and proposed it as an Important Area for the Conservation of Birds. Then, during 2003–2004, the United States Geological Survey, with the support of the Ponce Municipal Government, conducted a hydrology study of Laguna Las Salinas. In June 2004, the Integrated Planning Area of the Natural Patrimony Division of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico issued a report on the natural value of the Punta Cucharas area. In 2008, Amigos de La Laguna, a local concerned citizens group, issued a press release showing the impact that construction of the Gasoducto del Norte was to have on the lagoon. In August 2008, the Legislature of Puerto Rico passed Law 227 designating the Punta Cucharas natural area as a nature reserve and creating the Punta Cucharas Nature Reserve using, among others, the June 2004 DRNA report. On 9 August 2008, Punta Cucharas became a protected area under the law.

Location and size

The area is located in the coastal and the subcoastal zones of the southern end of Barrio Canas. The area is bounded in the west by a tourist development, including a hotel, in the north by modern residential compounds, and in the south by the Caribbean Sea. It includes all the land southeast of Road PR-2 in Barrio Canas and the marine component of Isla de Ratones and Isla Cardona. The Caribbean Sea Marine Extent component includes the waters south of points from Punta Cucharas in the west and Rio Matilde in the east, both in the Ponce mainland, and north of points from Isla de Ratones in the west and Isla Cardona in the east, both islands south of Ponce. Isla de Ratones and Isla Cardona are both included in the Punta Cucharas Nature Reserve.
It consists of a salt water lagoon known as Laguna Salinas that measures 347,898 square meters, as well as forestland systems of mangroves and other coastal forests, and different types of estuary and marshy wetlands. It also includes extensive areas of sand dunes covered by herbaceous vegetation part of which are gramineous plants. The Reserve's total area is 698 cuerdas. The Salinas Lagoon has a mangrove that expands about 37 acres.

Ecological value

The Municipality of Ponce recognized the ecological value of the Punta Cucharas natural area and included a Special Plan PL. E. 2, on La Matilde Area in its Territorial Plan, in its Ordination Regulations component. This Special Plan intended to facilitate a residential, tourist and commercial development, contingent on the protection of natural resources such as Laguna Salinas and the wetlands to the south of the area and the conversion of PR-2 to an expressway and the construction of parallel service roads. Among the objectives of the Municipality of Ponce development were the establishment of a protection zone for wetlands and the Laguna Salinas.
The Action Program of the Territorial Ordinance Plan Judicial Ruling known as Ruling JAC 93–0485 in "Municipality of Ponce vs. Government of Puerto Rico", a.k.a., Ponce en Marcha was a $615,000 yet-to-be-built project in the Hacienda La Matilde area programmed to be finished during the 1996-97 of the Government of Puerto Rico fiscal year. However, "recognizing the great ecological value of the Punta Cucharas ecosystem, the Territorial Ordinance Plan of the Municipality of Ponce sought to protect the Punta Cucharas area, identifying it as a "high interest" ecotourism area.

Shoreline geology and habitats

The shoreline habitat consists of exposed mangroves, mixed sand and gravel beaches, and fine grained sandy beaches. The Reserve wildlife consists of wading birds and shore birds.

Flora and fauna

The Reserve has 148 flora species, 56 bird species, five mammal species, nine reptile species, five amphibians, and six fish species.


Critically endangered plant species include Cordia rupicola and Leptocereus quadricostatus ; Endangered is Guaiacum officinale and vulnerable is the Maytenus ponceana. Some of the 147 plant species found at the Punta Cucharas Reserve are listed below.
No.SpeciesFamilyCommon Name Common Name
1Aloe veraLiliaceaesábilaaloe vera
2Acacia farnesianaFabaceaearomasweet acacia
3Achyranthes asperaAmaranthaceaerabo de gatodevil's horsewhip
4Annona glabraAnnonaceaecayurcorkwood
5Antigonon leptopusPolygonaceaebellísimacoral vine
6Arundo donaxPoaceaecaña de castillaSpanish cane
7Avicennia germinansVerbenaceaemangle negroblack mangrove
8Batis maritimaBataceaeyerba de salsaltwort
9Boerhavia diffusaNyctaginaceaemata pavotarvine
10Bucida bucerasCombretaceaeucarbullet tree
11Bursera simarubaBurseraceaealmácigocopperwood
12Caesalpinia bonducFabaceaemato de playagray nicker
13Calotropis proceraAsclepiadaceaealgodón de sedaking's crown
14Canella winteranaCanellaceaebarbascocinnamon bark
15Canavalia roseaFabaceaehaba de playabeach bean
16Capparis flexuosaCapparaceaepalinguan--
17Capraria bifloraScrophulariaceaeté del paísgoatweed
18Cassytha filiformisLauraceaefideillolovevine
19Cissus trifoliataVitaceaebejuco de carosorrelvine
20Cleome viscosaCapparaceaevolantínspiderflower
21Coccoloba diversifoliaPolygonaceaeuvillapigeonplum
22Coccoloba uviferaPolygonaceaeuva de playaseagrape
23Colubrina ellipticaRhamnaceaemabísoldierwood
24Commelina sp.Commelinaceaecohítredayflower
25Conocarpus erectusCombretaceaemangle blancobuttomwood
26Crescentia cujeteBignoniaceaehigüeracalabash
27Cynodon dactylonPoaceaeyerba BermudaBermuda grass
28Dactyloctenium aegyptiumPoaceaeyerba egipciaEgyptian crowfoot grass
29Delonix regiaFabaceaeflamboyánpoinciana
30Desmanthus virgatusFabaceaedesmantowild tantan
31Digitaria decumbensPoaceaepangoladigitgrass
32Eleusine indicaEleusine indicayerba dulceyard-grass
33Eupatorium odoratumCompositaecariaquillo santa maríadevil weed
34Euphorbia tirucalliEuphorbiaceaeesqueletonaked lady
35Ficus citrifoliaMoraceaejagüeybanyantree
36Fimbristylis dichotomaCyperaceaejunquitoforked fimbry
37Forestiera segregataOleaceaeprivetink-bush
38Furcraea tuberosaAgavaceaemagueycabuyo
39Gossipium barbadenseMalvaceaealgodóncotton
40Guaiacum officinaleZygophyllaceaeguayacanguaiacwood
41Guazuma ulmifoliaSterculiaceaeguácimabay cedar
42Gymnanthes lucidaEuphorbiaceaeyaitícrabwood
43Heliotropium curassavicumBoraginaceaecotorrera de playaseaside heliotrope
44Heteropogon contortusPoaceaeyerba torcidablack speargrass
45Hippomane mancinellaEuphorbiaceaemanzanillomanchineel tree
46Ipomoea pes-capraeConvolvulaceaebejuco de playabeach morning glory
47Jatropha gossypiifoliaEuphorbiaceaetúa-túabellyache bush
48Krugiodendron ferreumRhamnaceaebariacoleadwood
49Laguncularia racemosaVerbenaceaemangle blancowhite mangrove
50Lantana involucrataVerbenaceaecariaquillobuttonsage
51Leucaena leucocephalaFabaceaezarzillawhite leadtree
52Macfadyena unguis-catiBignoniaceaeuña de gatocat's claw creeper
53Melicoccus bijugatusSapindaceaequenepagenip
54Metopium toxiferumAnacardiaceaepapayopoisonwood
55Opuntia repensCactaceaecactus saltarín*roving pricklypear
56Parkinsonia aculeataFabaceaepalo de rayoParkinsonia aculeata
57Passiflora suberosaPassifloraceaeflor de pasiónpassionflower
58Paspalum laxumPoaceaematojo de arenabahiagrass
59Pennisetum setaceumPoaceaeyerbacrimson fountaingrass
60Phoenix dactyliferaAraceaepalma de datildate plam
61Pilosocereus royeniiCactaceaesebucandildo cactus
62Pisonia albidaNyctaginaceaecorchobirdcatcher tree
63Pithecellobium dulceFabaceaeguamá americano--
64Plumbago scandensPlumbaginaceaemeladillodoctorbush
65Portulaca oleraceaPortulacaceaeverdolagapigweed
66Prosopis julifloraFabaceaebayahondamesquite
67Randia aculeataRubiaceaetintillowhite indigoberry
68Rhizophora mangleRhizophoraceaemangle rojored mangrove
69Rivina humilisPhytolaccaceaecarmínpigeonberry
70Roystonea borinquenaArecaceaepalma realPuerto Rican royal palm
71Ruppia maritimaRuppiaceaeyerba de zanjaditch-grass
72Rhynchosia minimaFabaceaefrijolillojumby-bean
73Sesbania sericeaFabaceaepapagayoriverhemp
74Sesuvium portulacastrumPortulacaceaeverdolaga rosadashoreline purslane
75Solanum elaeagnifoliumSolanaceaetrompillosilverleaf nightshade
76Sporobolus virginicusPoaceaematojo de burroseashore dropseed
77Tabebuia heterophyllaBignoniaceaeroble blancowhite cedar
78Talinum paniculatumPortulacaceaelengua de vacapink baby's-breath
79Tamarindus indicaFabaceaetamarindotamarind
80Thespesia populneaMalvaceaeemajagüillaPortia tree
81Tillandsia recurvataBromeliaceaepirigallosmall ballmoss
82Urochloa maximaPoaceaeyerba de guineaGuinea grass
83Vernonia cinereaCompositaeyerba socialistalittle ironweed



Fifty-six bird species have been identified in the Reserve. Five of them are endemic species. A partial catalog of the bird species found in the Reserve includes Charrancito, a key IBA water foul species that breeds in the area. Endemic species are: Zumbador Verde,, San Pedrito, Carpintero, Juí, Bienteveo, Reinita Mariposera, Comeñame, and Reina Mora. Mariquita flies into the area but does not reside there. Other bird species are: Zumbador Dorado, Zumbador Pechiazul, Zorzal Pardo and Jilguero.
There are 56 species identified of which six are endemic, 44 are resident, five are migratory and one is introduced. The following table lists a sampling of them.
No.FamilySpeciesCommon Name Common Name Status
1AlcedinidaeCeryle alcyonmartín pescadorbelted kingfisherMigratory
2AnatidaeAnas bahamensispato quijada coloradawhite-cheeked pintailResident
3AnatidaeAnas discorspato zarcelblue-winged tealMigratory
4ArdeidaeArdea albagarza realgreat egretResident
5ArdeidaeArdea herodiasgarzón cenizogreat blue heronResident
6ArdeidaeBubulcus ibisgarza ganaderacattle egretResident
7ArdeidaeEgretta caeruleagarza azullittle blue heronResident
8ArdeidaeEgretta thulagarza blancasnowy egretResident
9ArdeidaeEgretta tricolorgarza pechiblancatricolored heronResident
10ArdeidaeNyctanassa violaceayaboa comúnyellow-crowned night heronResident
11CathartidaeCathartes auraaura tiñosaturkey vultureResident
12CharadriidaeCharadrius semipalmatusplayero acollaradosemipalmated ploverResident
13CharadriidaeCharadrius wilsoniaplayerito marítimoWilson's ploverResident
14CharadriidaePluvialis squatarolaplayero cabezóngrey ploverResident
15CoerebidaeCoereba flaveolareinita comúnbananaquitResident
16ColumbidaeColumbina passerinarolitacommon ground doveResident
17ColumbidaeZenaida asiaticatórtola aliblancawhite-winged doveResident
18CuculidaeCrotophaga anijudíosmooth-billed aniResident
19EmberizidaeDendroica adelaidaereinita mariposeraAdelaide's warblerResident
20EmberizidaeDendroica petechiacanario de mangleAmerican yellow warblerResident
21EmberizidaeDendroica tigrinareinita tigreCape May warblerMigratory
22EmberizidaeLoxigilla portoricensiscomeñamePuerto Rican bullfinchEndemic
23EmberizidaeSeiurus noveboracensispizpita de manglenorthern waterthrushMigratory
24EmberizidaeTiaris bicolorgorrión negroblack-faced grassquitResident
25FalconidaeButeo jamaicensisguaraguaored-tailed hawkResident
26FalconidaeFalco peregrinushalcón peregrinoperegrine falconMigratory
27FalconidaeFalco sparveriusfalcón comúnAmerican kestrelResident
28FregatidaeFregata magnificenstijereta de marmagnificent frigatebirdResident
29IcteridaeIcterus dominicensiscalandriaHispaniolan orioleResident
30IcteridaeIcterus icterusturpialVenezuelan troupialIntroduced
31IcteridaeMolothrus bonariensistordo lustrososhiny cowbirdResident
32IcteridaeQuiscalus nigerchangoGreater Antillean grackleResident
33LaridaeLarus atricillagaviota gallegalaughing gullResident
34MimidaeMimus polyglottosruiseñornorthern mockingbirdResident
35MuscicapidaeTurdus plumbeuszorzal de patas coloradasred-legged thrushResident
36PandionidaePandion haliaetuságuila de marospreyResident
37PelecanidaePelecanus occidentalispelicano pardobrown pelicanResident
38RecurvirostridaeHimantopus mexicanusviudablack-necked stiltResident
39ScolopacidaeActitis maculariaplayero coleadorspotted sandpiperResident
40ScolopacidaeArenaria interpresplayero Turcoruddy turnstoneResident
41ScolopacidaeCalidris himantopusplayero patilargostilt sandpiperResident
42ScolopacidaeCalidris mauriplayerito occidentalwestern sandpiperResident
43ScolopacidaeCalidris melanotosplayero manchadopectoral sandpiperMigratory
44ScolopacidaeCalidris minutillaplayero menudoleast sandpiperResident
45ScolopacidaeCalidris pusillaplayerito graciososemipalmated sandpiperResident
46ScolopacidaeCatoptrophorus semipalmatusplayero aliblancowilletResident
47ScolopacidaeLimnodromus griseuschorlo pico cortoshort-billed dowitcherResident
48ScolopacidaeTringa flavipesplayero guineilla menorlesser yellowlegsResident
49ScolopacidaeTringa solitariaplayero solitariosolitary sandpiperResident
50ThraupidaeSpindalis portoricensisreina moraPuerto Rican spindalisEndemic
51TodidaeTodus mexicanusSan PedritoPuerto Rican todyEndemic
52TyrannidaeMyiarchus antillarumjuí de Puerto RicoPuerto Rican flycatcherEndemic
53TyrannidaeTyrannus dominicensispitirregray kingbirdEndemic
54VireonidaeVireo latimeribien te veoPuerto Rican vireoEndemic


The following five species of mammals were found in Punta Cuchara.
No.FamilySpeciesCommon Name Common Name Status
1MuridaeRattus rattusrata negrablack ratIntroduced
2MuridaeRattus norvegicusrata de noruegabrown ratIntroduced
3MuridaeMus musculusratónhouse mouseIntroduced
4ViverridaeHerpestes auropunctatusmangostasmall Asian mongooseIntroduced
5CanidaeCanis familiarisperrodomestic dogDomestic


Punta Cucharas biodiversity includes reptiles such as Hemidactylus brookii, Sphaerodactylus macrolepis, Sphaerodactylus roosevelti, Anolis cristatellus, Anolis pulchellus, Ameiva exsul,and Anolis poncensis, and the amphibians Bufo marinus, Eleutherodactylus coqui and Leptodactylus albilabris. Of the reptile species, the lagartijo jardinero del sur is protected under the "vulnerable" classification by Rule 6766 of the "Regulations to Govern Vulnerable and Endangered Species in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico" pursuant to Puerto Rico Law 241, commonly known as "The Puerto Rico Wildlife Law." Following is a listing of reptiles found at the Reserve.
No.FamilySpeciesCommon Name Common Name Status
1GekkonidaeHemidactylus brooki haitianussalamanquesaBrooke's house geckoNative
2GekkonidaeSphaerodactylus macrolepissalamaquita de la VirgenBig-scaled least geckoNative
3GekkonidaeSphaerodactylus rooseveltisalamaquita de la Virgen--Endemic
4IguanidaeAnolis cristatelluslagartijo comúncrested anoleNative
5IguanidaeAnolis pulchelluslagartijo jardineroSharp-mouthed lizardNative
6IguanidaeAnolis poncensislagartijo jardinero del surPonce anoleEndemic
7TeiidaeAmeiva exsulsiguanaPuerto Rican ground lizardNative


Environmental challenges

Clean up

The June 2004 DRNA study warned that due to the lack of surveillance and the easy access that several roads provide to the area, it had become a common practice to use the area as a clandestine junk yard for motor vehicles and other refuse. The report suggested strategies for the management, cleaning, reforestation and conservation of the area. Several groups, including civic, environmental, and church groups, interested in the conservation of the Salinas Lagoon as part of the Punta Cucharas natural area have participated in cleaning campaigns for the removal of junk with the collaboration of the Municipality of Ponce. The DRNA also took steps to reforest the area. In 2013, some vandals used the area for dumping construction refuse, a practice that carries a fine of $5,000.

Legal efforts

As an additional vehicle to preserve the area, the government of Puerto Rico included Punta Cucharas as a natural reserve under the Natural Patrimony Program created by Act No. 150 of August 4, 1988, known as the "Puerto Rico Natural Patrimony Program Act."

Facilities improvements

In October 2012, the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources published a 54-page environmental impact evaluation with numerous appendixes. In it, the DRNA proposed relocating the existing main vehicular entrance and building the necessary entryway and signing, making improvements to the existing road, building gazebos for group picnics and relaxation plus a gazebo for nature talks, construction a floating dock for kayaks, creation of an additional dock for ondock-fishing, erecting an observation tower and building a restaurant, a boat ramp, and bathroom facilities. The development area would cover. As a low environmental impact construction project, the plans include no new water, sewer, or electrical lines being brought into the area. The cost was estimated at $1.2 million.

Gallery of flora and fauna

Flora at Punta Cucharas

Fauna at Punta Cucharas


