Republican Network for Unity

The Republican Network for Unity is a small Irish republican political party. It was formed in 2007 in opposition to the Sinn Féin special Ard Fheis's vote of support for the Police Service of Northern Ireland.


The organisation was originally known as the "Ex-POWs and Concerned Republicans against RUC/PSNI & MI5". The group re-organized, changing its name to "Republican Network for Unity". In October 2013, it registered as a political party and moved from being a pressure group. It coincided with the release of their documents "standing outside the peace process" and "revolutionary Republicanism". It is opposed to the Good Friday Agreement because it believes that it usurps Irish sovereignty and entrenches Partition. RNU opposes the PSNI, which it sees as an extension of the old RUC and the first stage of protection of an illegal state.
A number of commentators view RNU as the political wing of Óglaigh na hÉireann, although this has been rejected by RNU. A number of prominent republicans lead RNU.