Rendezvous is an American suspense-thriller, written, directed, and produced by Seth Kozak. The film follows the journey of Catalina Wright, played by Katarina Morhacova, as she encounters fatal arrangements made by her politician husband. The film was released on November 19, 2019.
A New HampshireCongressman attempts to clean-up his darker side in preparation for brighter opportunities in politics. Arrangements with a foreign specialist are made to off his much younger wife, while he’s away on business. The scheme is suddenly threatened when she changes her weekend plans, opting to visit her mother in Maine. When icy road conditions limit her travel, she takes refuge in an historic inn. However, the instinct that pushed her toward safety may have betrayed her, as she suspects the inn's only other resident is a man hired to kill her.
International actress and model, Katarina Morhacova, was offered the lead role after wrapping her performance in Claudia La Bianca's feature The Journey of a Dragonfly. Corbin Bernsen was originally attached to play the role of Congressman Zachary Wright. The role was eventually recast with Mike Sutton. David Lago has a supporting role as a police officer. Chris Kerson was cast as the hitman. Francis Jue plays Chris, an executive butler-type. Producers collaborated virtually between Romania and Maine to shoot the first half of the film during April of 2014. After the initial shoot, Catharsis departed the project causing it to be shelved for three-and-a-half years. With a new team, Kozak was a able to get cameras rolling again in the Fall of 2017. Locations in Stafford, Virginia and Villanova, Pennsylvania were used to shoot Lear Jet and mansion interiors. In November of 2018, a three-day shooting schedule picked up the remaining shots in Maine and New Hampshire.
Jolly Moel, of Screen Critix, gave Rendezvous 4/5 stars on the merits of its film noir classicism. The film received an average reviews from other film critics. Film Threat called her performance "a highlight of the film," regarding it as the foundation that held the other performances together. Rendezvous was an official selection to more than 25 international film festivals in eight countries. The film was selected to screen in the 53rd WorldFest Houston International Film Festival. IT was an official selection to the 21st Bare BonesInternational Film Festival, receiving a nomination for Best Short Romance. Lead actress Katarina Morhacova was recognized with multiple awards.