Raphaël Personnaz

Raphaël Personnaz is a French actor. He has appeared in more than fifty films since 1998. He was awarded the Prix Patrick Dewaere in 2013.

Personal life

Born 23 July 1981 in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, his father was a furniture designer and his mother, a translator of contemporary Greek poets, Personnaz began his career mainly in the theatre. He trained at the conservatory of the twentieth arrondissement of Paris.



2007Van Gogh à LondresRichard WrightHélène Vincent
2009MédéeJean AnouilhLadislas Chollat
2014House of CardsBeau WillimonLadislas Chollat
2017-2018Scenes from a MarriageIngmar BergmanSafy Nebbou
2017-2019Vous n'aurez pas ma haineAntoine LeirisBenjamin GuillardMolière Award for Best One Man Show

Interesting Facts

His birthdate is the first date that can be found in pi digits.