Ramon Bloomberg

Ramon Bloomberg is a writer and film maker based in London.


2014 - T’s World: The Over-identification of Terry Thompson, 30 min, color, HD
2013 - Glacis, 30 min, color, HD
2011 - Trans Vector, 15 min, color HD
2010 - Chinese Shadows, 15 min, color, 35mm
French language, Funded by France 2 TV and CNC France.
Aix en Provence film fest 2008, Cleremont Ferrand 2009
Distribution, France 2, 2009
2008 - Green Spirit, 3 min, color, HD
2006 - Horse Territory, 5 min. Color 35mm
Saatchi and Saatchi New Director’s showcase, Cannes 2007, Clermont Ferrand 2007, AFI film festival 2008.
2000 - Area K, Documentary, 52 min. Color DV
Brooklyn International Film Festival 2003 : Best Film
San Francisco International Film Festival 2003 : Certificate of merit
BBC World 2003, Sky TV 2003