Rabia Sultan

Rabia Sultan was the Bulgarian consort of Sultan Ahmed II of the Ottoman Empire and the last woman in Ottoman history to hold the title Haseki Sultan.

As imperial consort

Since, Muazzez Sultan, the mother of Sultan Ahmed had died in 1687 before his accession to the throne in 1691, Rabia assumed the position of the highest ranking female member of the royal family with the title of "Senior Consort".
On 6 October 1692, she gave birth to twin sons, Şehzade Ibrahim and Şehzade Selim in the Edirne Palace. Following their birth, Ahmed presented her the mansion of Bayburtlu Kara Ibrahim Pasha located in Kuzguncuk. Şehzade Selim died in May 1693.
On 11 November 1692, she was given the title of "Haseki Sultan". Kara Mustafa Pasha, who had been executed in 1683, had left a large amount of assets which had been enlisted in the imperial treasury. In December 1692, diamond froggings from these assets ended up on Rabia's fur coat. She also received a diamond crown from the same assets.
In January 1694, Rabia attended the wedding of Ümmi Sultan, daughter of Mehmed IV, and Silahdar Çerkes Osman Pasha. On 23 October 1694, she gave birth to her third child and only daughter, Asiye Sultan. Following her birth, Ahmed granted her lands in Aleppo.
Gevherhan Sultan, daughter of Sultan Ibrahim, and Rabia's sister-in-law, is understood to have been in great debt, as is demonstrated by Topkapı Palace archives dating 28 November 1694, a substantial amount of which was owed to Rabia.
Some of the debts mentioned were covered by the allocation of Gevherhan’s grants from her hass, that is revenue-producing estates to Asiye Sultan, the infant daughter of Ahmed and Rabia, as shown in archives dating 1 December 1694.

Widowhood and death

Rabia was widowed following Ahmed's death in February 1695. On 7 March, her son Şehzade Ibrahim, was put in the care of Valide Sultan Gülnuş Sultan, whereas she and her daughter Asiye were sent to the Old Palace in Istanbul, where Asiye died in December 1695.
Rabia Sultan died on 14 January 1712 in the Old Palace, and was buried beside her husband in the mausoleum of Suleiman the Magnificent, Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul.
Her son, Şehzade Ibrahim, who became heir apparent in 1703, after Sultan Ahmed III's accession to the throne, outlived her by two years, dying in 1714.


Together with Ahmed, Rabia had three children: