R v Ghosh

R v Ghosh is an English criminal law case setting out a test for dishonest conduct which was relevant as to many offences worded as doing an act dishonestly, such as deception, as theft, as mainstream types of fraud, and as benefits fraud. The test has been revised to an objective test, with rare exceptions, by the Supreme Court in Ivey v Genting Casinos .


Dr Ghosh was a surgeon. He was convicted of four offences under the Theft Act 1968 sections 20 and 15. During his work as a locum surgeon he was paid one set of extra wages and attempted three times to obtain such wages by claiming variously: for work that others had carried out and for work reimburseable to him via the National Health Service. The jury found him guilty. He appealed on the basis that the trial judge had told the jury to use their common sense to determine whether the accused's conduct had been dishonest or not. His defence team argued that the judge should have instructed the jury that dishonesty was about the accused’s state of mind rather than the jury’s point of view.


The Court of Appeal found that the conviction was proper so dismissed the doctor's appeal as the original direction did not lead to an unsafe or unsound conviction.
The Court began by stating "The law, on this branch of the Theft Act 1968 is in a complicated state and we embark upon an examination of the authorities with great diffidence." This court reformulated the test for dishonesty. It held that,
Hence the test for dishonesty was subjective and objective. As a result, the 'Ghosh test', which the jury was required to consider before reaching a verdict on dishonesty:
  1. Was the act one that an ordinary decent person would consider to be dishonest ? If so:
  2. Must the accused have realised that what he was doing was, by those standards, dishonest ? http://www.bailii.org/uk/cases/UKSC/2017/67.html UKSC 67
Note that it was not essential for a person to admit that they acted in a way that they knew to be dishonest; it was probably enough that they knew others would think their behaviour was dishonest, or that they thought that what they were doing was wrong.

''Ivey v Genting Casinos''

Ivey v Genting Casinos Ltd t/a Crockfords was a [Supreme Court case
decided in late 2017 which overruled R v Ghosh. It held that the second limb of Ghosh was no longer good law and jury directions on the meaning of dishonesty ought only to contain the first, objective, limb. When dishonesty was in question, the fact-finding tribunal had first to ascertain the actual state of the individual's knowledge or belief as to the facts. The question whether the conduct was honest or dishonest was then to be determined by applying the objective standards of ordinary decent people.
The Supreme Court noted particularly that though their case concerned a cheating gambler suing the casino in a civil case, there was no good reason for distinguishing civil from criminal dishonesty, and that accordingly the criminal law was incorrected understood and set out in Ghosh.