RRI Rhein Ruhr International

RRI GmbH Rhein Ruhr International – Consulting Engineers is an engineering company located in Essen, Germany. RRI is active in the fields of consulting, engineering, project management, risk management and EPCM services for industrial and public projects, both at the national and international level.
Its business areas had been industry, infrastructure and real estate.
In April 2014, RRI has restructured business and gained a new investor for its business – AMR GmbH in Essen, Germany. Management and Business Units maintain the same.


RRI GmbH Rhein Ruhr International – Consulting Engineers was founded by today's ThyssenKrupp Steel AG in 1942 in Dortmund, Germany, as ”Stahl-Union Ingenieurbau GmbH“.
In 1965 the first international project, a cotton factory in Iraq, was realized. Since that time, RRI has permanently implemented industrial and institutional projects worldwide.
In 1966 the company was renamed in Rhein-Ruhr Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH.
Since 2003 the restructured company has been named RRI Rhein Ruhr International GmbH.
Since April 2014 the restructured company operates under the name RRI GmbH Rhein Ruhr International – Consulting Engineers.
RRI is certified according to DIN ISO 9001
In addition, RRI meets the strict requirements of the IAEA 50-C-Q Code on Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants.
RRI is a long-standing member of the German Association of Consulting Engineers VBI.
As an international consultant, RRI has made the principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative an integral part of its corporate philosophy.

Business Areas

RRI accompanies the implementation of industrial facilities and plants and of technical and social infrastructure projects.
International projects mostly cover regions in Europe, Africa, the CIS Region, the Middle East and the United States.
Business Areas are: