Robert Scott Clark is an American Reformed pastor and seminary professor. He is the author of several books, including his most recent work, Recovering the Reformed Confession.
Recovering the Reformed Confession: Our Theology, Piety, and Practice
Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant: The Double Benefit of Christ
Editor and Contributor
William Ames, A Sketch of the Christian's Catechism. Trans., Todd M. Rester. Classic Reformed Theology vol. 1. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Press, 2008.
Caspar Olevianus, An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. Trans. Lyle D. Bierma. Classic Reformed Theology vol. 2. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Press, 2009.
Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment, ed., Carl Trueman and R. Scott Clark. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1999.
Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey. ed., R. Scott Clark and Joel E. Kim. Escondido, CA: Westminster Seminary California, 2010.
"Calvin: A Negative Boundary Marker In American Lutheran Self-Identity, 1871–1934". in Johan de Niet, Herman Paul and Bart Wallet, ed. Sober, Strict, and Scriptural: Collective Memories of John Calvin, 1800-2000.,
"The Benefits of Christ: Double Justification in Protestant Theology before the Westminster Assembly" in Anthony T. Selvaggio, ed. The Faith Once Delivered: Essays in Honor of Dr. Wayne R. Spear, 107-34.
"Election and Predestination: Sovereign Expressions of God", in David Hall and Peter Lillback, ed. A Theological Guide to Calvin’s Institutes: Essays and Analysis.
"Whosever Will Be Saved: Emerging Church? Meet Christian Dogma", in Gary Johnson ed., Reforming or Conforming: Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church.
"Reconstructionism", in The New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, eds Campbell Campbell-Jack, Gavin J. McGrath.
"Janus, the Well-Meant Offer of the Gospel and Westminster Theology", in David VanDrunen, ed., The Pattern of Sound Words: A Festschrift for Robert B. Strimple, 149-80.
, "Ursinus, Oxford and the Westminster Divines", in The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century: Essays in Remembrance of the 350th Anniversary of the Publication of the Westminster Confession of Faith, 3 vol. ed. Ligon Duncan, 2. 1-32.
"The Authority of Reason in the Later Reformation: Scholasticism in Caspar Olevian and Antoine de La Faye", in Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment, ed., Carl Trueman and R. Scott Clark, 111-26.
"Calvin as Negative Boundary Marker in American Lutheran Self-Identity", in Johan de Niet, Herman Paul, and Bart Wallet, ed., The Modern Calvin: John Calvin in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Memory Cultures.
"The Evangelical Fall from the Means of Grace", in The Compromised Church, ed. John Armstrong, 133-47.
Journal Articles
Iustitia Imputata Christi: Alien or Proper to Luther’s Doctrine of Justification? 70 : 269-310.
Baptism and the Benefits of Christ: The Double Mode of Communion in the Covenant of Grace, 2 : 3-19.
The Catholic-Calvinist Trinitarianism of Caspar Olevian, Journal 61 : 15–39.
Calvin and the Lex Naturalis, Stulos Theological Journal 6 : 1–22.