Quitters is a 2015 American comedy film directed by Noah Pritzker and written by Noah Pritzker and Ben Tarnoff. The film stars Ben Konigsberg, Greg Germann, Mira Sorvino, Kara Hayward, Morgan Turner and Kieran Culkin. The film was released on July 22, 2016, by Momentum Pictures.Cast
- Ben Konigsberg as Clark
- Greg Germann as Roger
- Mira Sorvino as May Rayman
- Kara Hayward as Etta
- Morgan Turner as Natalia
- Kieran Culkin as Mr. Becker
- Saffron Burrows as Veronica
- Scott Lawrence as Todd
- Jim Breuer
- Ross Turner as Bradley Friedlander
- Katherine Liviakis as Shira
- Carl Lumbly as Dr. Weiss
- George Anagnostou as Steve
The film premiered at South by Southwest on March 15, 2015. The film was released on July 22, 2016, by Momentum Pictures.