The Quaquerni or Querquerni were an ancient Celtic tribe of Gallaecia, living in the north of modern Portugal, province of Minho, in the mountains at the mouths of the rivers Tâmega and Cávado.Etymology
The name Querquerni seem to derive from Latin quercus. The word quercus stems from Proto-Indo-European root *pérkʷus, meaning "oak".Ethnonym
The Quaquerni are also known by the name Quarquerni, Querquernoi, or Quacernoi. Their ethnomyn is registered as Κουακερνοί, by Greek geographer Ptolemy in his Geographies. Scholars see a possible connection with Venetic Quarqueni, as registered by Pliny and located somewhere in historical Istria.Location
Ancient sources tell of a place named Aquae Quarquernae.The Quaquerni were a subdivision of the Gallaeci Bracarii.