Pyrénées Animal Park

The Pyrénées Animal Park, nicknamed The Marmots Hill is located in Argelès-Gazost in the Hautes-Pyrénées. It was created in 1999 by Serge Mounard, an individual, on a property operated by his dairy producing family. His idea was to present visitors a number of regional animals in a semi-wild environment. The path, in zigzag in the hills, gave the chance to admire common animals like the squirrel, marmot and otter, but also to approach foxes within a few meters, wolves, ibex, mouflons, isards or brown bears. It was even possible to touch some species, like farm animals, a deer, as well as the main parc attraction: marmots.
A pedagogical team would verify the visitors' demeanour, while keeping them informed – along with didactical panels. A Pyrenean map, regularly updated, shows in real time the position of each member of the 25 bears currently living in freedom in the massif. A footprint molding workshop enables visitors to learn how to recognize animal footprints in the wild.
The building at the entrance hosts a museum reconstructing, under thematical tableaus in three oral dimensions the life of wild animals of the northern hemisphere, Europe and Africa. A souvenir shop lies at the exit – with marmot stuffed toys, namely.

Short list of animals in the park