Pujari Ki Dhani

Pujari Ki Dhani is a village in the Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan, India. It is approximately from the Nawalgarh tehsil. It is part of Shekhawati. It is a Grampanchayat. Pujari Ki Dhani is Located in East of Nawalgarh nearby Garodia ki Dhani. It is 30 km from Sikar district Headquarter and 40 km from Jhunjhunu district Headquarter. Shri Ishrot Ka Balaji, nadiya wala balaji Temple.Kurda Ramji Sharma and Harji Yadav are this Village famous peoples. PIN code of Pujari Ki Dhani is 333304.
The village have one secondary government school and two private schools. the village also has one govt hospital near bala ji temple. The chief occupation is agriculture and wood craft works as well as government services