
Pugyuru is a Japanese four-panel comic strip by Tohiro Konno. The manga was first serialized in the Japanese manga magazine Monthly Magazine Z in June, 2001. Pugyuru was adapted into an anime series that was broadcast on April 12, 2004 on the television station Kids Station. The initial broadcast lasted for thirteen episodes and ended on July 5, 2004.



Published by Magazine Z KC instead of Kodansha.
  1. Volume 1
  2. Volume 2
  3. Volume 3
  4. Volume 4
  5. Volume 5
  6. Volume 6
  7. Volume 7
Except for volume 3, the volumes each include a bonus comic at the end of the book. There is also a bonus comic on the inside of the dust cover.


The "Pugyuru" anime was broadcast on April 12, 2004 on Kids Station during the Anime Paradise block. Thirteen episodes total.
Each episode is based on two to four strips from the original manga. The ending animation for each episode is different every time and is also based on strips from the original manga.


  1. My New Life With Cheko-chan
  2. Cheko-chan and the Scary People
  3. Cheko-chan and Mizore
  4. Cheko-chan and Nachiko
  5. Ma... and the Exchange Students
  6. Cheko-chan and Kanato
  7. Nurse and Everyone
  8. Mizore and the Part Time Job
  9. Squid... No, the Name is Nachiko
  10. Cheko-chan and the Mysterious Button
  11. Kanato and School Life
  12. The Maid and Cheko-chan
  13. Cheko-chan and the Experiment