Publius Claudius Pulcher (son of Clodius)

Publius Claudius Pulcher was a son of Publius Clodius Pulcher and his wife Fulvia.


Early life

Publius, who was the son of Publius Clodius Pulcher and Fulvia, had one full sister Clodia Pulchra, and three half-brothers, Gaius Scribonius Curio, Marcus Antonius Antyllus and Iullus Antonius from his mother. It is not known exactly when he was born, but he was still referred to as a "boy" in 44 BC. In 52 BC when his father was killed by Titus Annius Milo and his followers, there were accusations that Milo had also had a slave abduct the boy from his father's villa in Alba and bring him to see the body of his father and to demand that he allow them to cut up Clodius' body. At his father's funeral he was not considered old enough to deliver a funeral oration. As a young man Publius had his step-father Mark Antony recall the exiled Sextus Cloelius as a favour. Sextus had been a major supporter of his father.


As an adult, he was regarded as a lethargic nonentity who only rose to the Praetorship after 31 BC under the Second Triumvirs and died amid scandals of luxurious excess and an obsessive attachment to a common prostitute. An inscription of ownership on an expensive Egyptian alabaster vase once owned by him has survived to attest to his short official career, and includes an unusual triple filiation which confirms the literary evidence to the effect that Clodius' own filiation was: Ap. f. Ap. n. Ap. pron..


He had at least one son, Appius Claudius Pulcher. There has also been some speculation among historians such as George Patrick Goold that he might have been the father of Claudia Pulchra who was the daughter of Augustus' niece Claudia Marcella Minor, but other historians such as Ronald Syme have rejected this proposal.