PubCon is a conference and exposition dedicated to social media, digital marketing, and online advertising. It is an educational conference and industry trade show aimed specifically at web professionals and website owners. PubCon attracts companies, start-ups, presenters and digital advertising people involved in a variety of topics. It attracts digital marketers, especially those with an affinity for SEO. A highlight of PubCon is PubCon Classic, a networking event held on the last day. PubCon takes place twice a year. It receives attendees from over 130 different countries.History
PubCon started by Brett Tabke as an informal gathering of early Web search engine optimizers and webmasters at a , hence the “pub” in PubCon. PubCon Inc. was created in 2012 when the forums were sold. A private, for profit company as of 2020, it is headquartered in.