Promi Big Brother is a German televisionreality show based on the Dutch show Big Brother, created by producer John de Mol in 1997, which is airing from 2013. The show followed a number of celebrity contestants, known as "Bewohner" or "Kandidaten", who were isolated from the outside world for an extended period of time in a custom built Set. Promi Big Brother began as a spin-off series to the original Big Brother Germany, and premiered on Sat.1 on 13 September 2013. Comedian Cindy aus Marzahn and television presenter and Comedian Oliver Pocher hosted the first season. Jochen Schropp hosted season two onward. Season five was hosted by Schropp and Jochen Bendel and from season six onward the show is hosting by Jochen Schropp and Marlene Lufen. At the final of the seventh season, was announced an eighth season to air in 2020.
Promi Big Brother follows in his conception the basic idea of Big Brother. For a given period of time, several people live in a television studio set up as a living environment, the so-called "container". The daily routine is structured by the production company, which appears as the computer voice "Big Brother". Competitions are held or assignments are given to the participants of the show. The lives of the participants, who are referred to as "celebrities" in the program and in the title, are recorded around the clock by television cameras and microphones and broadcast live in the form of live broadcasts or as a compilation.
Prize money
The winner of Promi Big Brother receives a cash prize for being the last remaining housemate.
In Promi Big Brother 1, the winner didn't received a cash prize.
From Promi Big Brother 2, the winner receive €100,000.
Distribution of participants
Since the second season, the participants are divided into two different areas: In addition to a luxurious area, there is an area in which the participants live in poor conditions. The distribution of the participants can be changed by spectator ratings, arbitrary stage directions or since the third season also due to the outcome of duels. In seasons 2 to 4 attention was paid to an even distribution of the participants. Since the fifth season, there is often an uneven distribution. For example, on the second day of the sixth season, three participants lived in the luxurious area, while the other nine participants had to live in the poor area. Since the fifth season, both areas are on one level. In the previous three seasons, there were two levels.
Nomination and Victory
Since the second season, participants have nominated one other participant each day from the second live show to leave the house or show. Afterwards, the audience selects by televoting a participant from the nomination list, which should remain in the house or in the show. The one who has received the least audience votes, must go. If residents voluntarily leave the house, the move will expire on the appropriate number of days. After two weeks, there will be the finale at the end of the season, in which four of the last five remaining participants fall out. The last remaining one is the winner of the season. In the first season, the audience chose by televoting instead of a participant from the nomination list, who should stay in the house or in the show, a participant who should leave the house or the show. The one who got the most audience votes had to leave.
Some seasons include a theme.
The Experiment
All or Nothing
The finals are broadcast on Fridays at 8:15pm.
Spin-off Shows
During the first season, there was a livestream during the commercial breaks and a 2-hour livestream after being broadcast on Sky Deutschland. As of the second season, a 24-hour live stream from various providers was offered. Since the fifth season no live stream is offered.
Web Formats
During the first season, the web show was moderated by Etienne Gardé and Nils Bomhoff, and during the second season by Cindy aus Marzahn and Ingo Wohlfeil. During the third and fourth season, the web show was hosted by Aaron Troschke alone. The webshow during the fifth season was again moderated by Aaron Troschke, but this time with Melissa Khalaj. From the sixth season Troschke moderated again the Webshow. Since the seventh season Raffaela "Raffa" Zollo presents the InstagramTV offer of the Promi Big Brother Instagram account. During the sixth season for the first time a four-part reality documentary titled Promi Big Brother – Der Tag danach is published online.
Companion show
During the first season, a weekly eve magazine titled Promi Big Brother Inside was aired on Sat.1. Since the second season, is airing on sixx a daily live late-night show with the name Promi Big Brother – Die Late Night Show moderated by Jochen Bendel and Melissa Khalaj. During the fifth season, the show stopped because Bendel switched to host the main show. After the third season, a special episode titled Promi Big Brother – Jetzt wird abgerechnet on Sat.1 was broadcast.