Programma International

Programma International was one of the first personal computer software publishers. Established in the late 1970s by David Gordon, it published a line of approximately 300 game, programming utility, and office productivity products for the Apple II, Commodore PET, TRS-80 and other personal computer systems. Hayden Publishing bought Programma International in 1980 and the company went out of business in 1983.

Notable titles published

6502 ForthProgramming languageApple II
ASM65 AssemblerAssemblerApple II
Apple AlleyApple II
Apple InvaderActionApple II
Alien InvasionActionApple II
Apple PIEUtility softwareApple II
BaseballSportsApple II
BlitzkriegApple II
BoxingSportsApple II
BreakthruActionApple II
Canter DownsActionApple II
Clowns and BallonsActionApple II
Death RaceApple II
Dragon MazeMazeApple II
FrustrationApple II
Guided MissileActionApple II
I-ChingApple II
Jupiter ExpressActionApple II
Lores HyperpakApple II
Mouse HoleApple II
Nightmare Number NineApple II
Peg JumpApple II
Perpetual CalendarApple II
Star VoyagerApple II
Stunt CycleActionApple II
Word WackeyApple II
19783-D Docking MissionApple II
1978Phasor ZapActionApple II
1979Lisa Interactive AssemblerAssemblerApple II
1979FootballSportsCommodore 64
1979Camera ObscuraPuzzleApple II
1980Z-A-PActionCommodore PET