Prizren District (Serbia)

The Prizren District was a district in southern Kosovo and Metohija between 1990 and 1999. It had a population of 376,085. The seat of the district was in the city of Prizren.
Kosovo has since declared independence, but the Serbian government rejects such a motion, continuing its claim over Kosovo in accordance with UNSCR 1244.


It included the municipalities of:
The Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš, in Prizren, is the endowment of King Milutin, along with the Archbishop Sava III. It was built in 1307.
Prizren is also distinguished by other churches, such as: the Church of Holy Salvation, the Church of St. Nicholas, the Church of Prince Marko, and Assembly Church of St. George from the second half of the 19th century.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, during Ottoman rule, mosques, hammams, and madrasas flowered throughout Prizren and its surroundings. The Mosque of Bajrakli Gazi Mehmed-Pasha is the earliest establishment of Islamic architecture in Prizren. It was built in 1561, and still safeguards books in Arabic and Turkish to this day, including a Quran from 1312.