
In Greek mythology, Porthaon, sometimes referred to as Parthaon or Portheus, was the king of Calydon and son of Agenor or Ares by Epicaste and thus brother of Demonice and possibly Thestius. He was the husband of Euryte, daughter of Hippodamas, who became the mother of his children, Oeneus, Agrius, Alcathous, Melas, Leucopeus and Sterope. In some account, his wife Laothoe bore him three daughters, Sterope, Eurythemiste and Stratonice, wife of King Melaneus of Oechalia. By an unnamed servant, Porthaon was the father of the Argonaut Laocoön. Dia, the consort of his son Agrius was also called his daughter.
A different Parthaon was son of Periphetes and grandson of Nyctimus. He begot Aristus, Aristus begot Erymanthus, Erymanthus begot Arrhon, and Arrhon begot Psophis, one of the possible eponyms for the city of Psophis.