Plunder (RuneQuest)

Plunder is a 1980 fantasy role-playing game supplement for RuneQuest published by Chaosium.


Plunder is a supplement for RuneQuest, half of which consists of a shorthand method for generating treasure, while the other half describes 43 exotic magic items.


Forrest Johnson reviewed Plunder in The Space Gamer No. 33. Johnson commented that "the lack of exotic magic items has heretofore been a weak point in RuneQuest. The items have authentic Gloranthan flavor, complete with history and cult affinities. The discreet use of these items will add spice to a campaign without reducing it to Monty Haul."
Oliver Macdonald reviewed Plunder for White Dwarf #25, giving it an overall rating of 5 out of 10, and stated that "All points considered Plunder is an interesting but by no means essential RuneQuest play aid, certainly not worth buying if you have a limited budget."
