Plotlands was a British period drama series was written and created by Jeremy Brock and that aired on BBC1 from 18 May to 22 June 1997. Produced by Wall to Wall for the BBC, it tells the story of several families who live in the fictional town of Plotlands. The series was filmed on location in and around Ashridge.Cast
- David Ryall as Harry Crowley
- Philip Whitchurch as Billy Reed
- Richard Lintern as Tom Marsh
- Rebecca Callard as Harriet Marsh
- Amanda Abbington as Maude
- Jade Williams as Joan Marsh
- Saskia Reeves as Chloe Marsh
- Richard Cordery as Charles Foster
- Jamie Glover as Ralph Samson
- Petra Markham as Grace Foster
- Eve Schickle as Beattie Crowley
- Terence Beesley as Jon Marsh
- Richard Amery as Charlie
The series won the Royal Television Society award for Best Costume Design Drama.