List of Plasmodium species infecting birds

Species in six subgenera of Plasmodium infect birds - Bennettinia, Giovannolaia, Haemamoeba, Huffia, Novyella and Papernaia. Giovannolaia appears to be a polyphytic group and may be sudivided in the future.

Avian host records

Sporogeny of P. circumflexum but not transmission has been recorded in Mansonia perturbans.

Avian malaria notes

A number of additional species have been described in birds - P. centropi, P. chloropsidis, P. gallinuae, P. herodialis, P. heroni, P. mornony, P. pericorcoti and P. ploceii - but the suggested speciation was based at least in part on the idea - 'one host - one species'. It has not been possible to reconcile the descriptions with any of the currently recognised species, and these are not currently regarded as valid species. As further investigations are made into this genus these species may be resurrected.
A species P. japonicum has been reported but this appears to be the only report of this species and should therefore be regarded of dubious validity.