Plague Ship (Cussler novel)

Plague Ship is the 5th installment of The Oregon Files by Clive Cussler & Jack Du Brul. It recounts a series of violent viral attacks on cruise ships by extremists who want to make half the world's population sterile. The group, named "The Responsivists", is a thinly disguised cover for "Scientologists".


The crew has just completed a top secret mission against Iran to steal a rocket torpedo that was illegally sold to them by the Russian Federation, when they come across a cruise ship adrift at sea. The passengers and crew were killed by a hemorrhagic fever, similar to Ebola, and, as Captain Juan Cabrillo tries to determine what happened, explosions wrack the length of the ship. Barely able to escape with his own life and that of the liner's sole survivor, Cabrillo finds himself plunged into a mystery as intricate and perilous as any he has ever known: he'll be pitted against a cult with monstrously lethal plans for the human race - plans he may already be too late to stop.