Pitkin Formation
The Pitkin Formation, or Pitkin Limestone, is a fossiliferous geologic formation in northern Arkansas that dates to the Chesterian Series of the late Mississippian. This formation was first named the "Archimedes Limestone" by David Dale Owen in 1858, but was replaced in 1904. The Pitkin conformably overlies the Fayetteville Shale and unconformably underlies the Pennsylvanian-age Hale Formation. Some workers have considered the top of the Pitkin Formation to be a separate formation called the Imo Formation. However more recently, others have considered it as an informal member of the Pitkin Formation.
Early work aimed at creating a comprehensive list for all fossils found in the Pitkin Formation was done by Easton in 1943. Unless otherwise stated, all species below can be found in his 'Fauna of the Pitkin Formation.'[Formanifera]
- Archaediscus
- Asteroarchaediscus
- Earlandia
- Endothyra
- Endothyranella
- Eosigmoilina
- Eostaffella
- Eotuberitina
- Monotaxinoides
- Neoarchaediscus
- Nodosarchaediscus
- Paramillerella
- Planospirodiscus
- Plectogyra
- Priscella
- Pseudoammodiscus
- Pseudoglomospira
- Tetrataxis
- Trepeilopsis
- Zellerina
[Porifera], Sponges
- Cliona
- Conularia Originally considered to be a gstropod.
[Anthozoa], Corals
- Amplexus
- Aulopora
- Caninostrotion
- Kinkaidia
- Lesliella
- Leonardophyllum
- Lonsdaleia
- Michellinia
- Parvaxon
- Pleurodictyum
- Syringopora
- Triplophyllum
- Pentremites
[Crinoidea], Sea Lilies
- Agassizocrinus
- Aphelecrinus
- Bronaughocrinus
- Camptocrinus
- Carinocrinus
- Castillocrinus
- Catillocrinus
- Cosmetocrinus
- Cromyocrinus
- Culmicrinus
- Cyathocrinus
- Delocrinus
- Dichocrinus
- Hydreionocrinus
- Linocrinus
- Onychocrinus
- Pachylocrinus
- Paianocrinus
- Paracymbiocrinus
- Pelecocrinus
- Pentaramicrinus
- Phacelocrinus
- Phanocrinus
- Poteriocrinus
- Pterotocrinus
- Scytalocrinus
- Taxocrinus
- Telikosocrinus
- Zeusocrinus
[Ophiuroidea], Brittle Stars
- Aganaster
- Schoenaster
[Echinoidea], Sea Urchins
- Archaeocidaris
- Spirorbis
[Bryozoa], "Moss-animals"
- Anisotrypa
- Archimedes
- Batostomella
- Chellotrypa
- Chilotrypa
- Dichotrypa
- Dyscritella
- Fenestella
- Fistulipora
- Glyptopora
- Lyropora
- Meekopora
- Polypora
- Rhombopora
- Septopora
- Tabulopora
- Athyris
- Buxtonia
- Camarophoria
- Chonetes
- C. sublamellosa
- Composita
- Crania
- Diaphragmus
- Dielasma
- Echinoconchus
- Eumetria
- Girtyella
- Hustedia
- Krotavia
- Lingula
- Lingulidiscina
- Linoproductus
- Martinia
- Orthotetes
- Productus
- Pustula
- Reticularia
- Spirifer
- Spiriferina
- Streptorhynchus
- Syringothyris
- Tetracamera
[Bivalvia], Bivalves
- Allorisma
- Astartella
- Aviculopecten
- Conocardium
- Cypricardella
- Edmondia
- Leda
- Leiopteria
- Leptodesma
- Myalina
- Nucula
- Parallelodon
- Pteronites
- Schizodus
- Solenomya
- Sphenotus
[Scaphopoda], Tusk Shells
- Laevidentalium
[Gastropoda], Snails
- Bellerophon
- B. pitkinensis
- Bucanella
- Colpites
- Euphemites
- Clabrocingulum
- Gosseletina
- Helcionopsis
- Hemizyga
- Holopea
- Latischisma
- Leptoptygma
- Microptychis
- Mourlonia
- Naticopsis
- Neilsonia
- Phanerotremas
- Platyceras
- Pseudozygopleura
- Sphaerodoma
- Stegocoelia
- Straparolus
- Strobeus
- Strophostylus''
- Arcanoceras
- Coloceras
- Cravenoceras
- Cycloceras
- Dolorthoceras
- Eoasianites
- Eumorphoceras
- Metadimorphoceras
- Mooreoceras
- Syngastrioceras
- Trizonoceras
- Grifithides
- Kaskia
- Paladin
- Glyptopleurain
- Paraparchites
- Primitia
- Cladodus
- Deltodus
- Petalodus
[Plantae], Plants
- Archaeolithophyllum
- Asphaltina
- Girvanella
- Rectangulina
- A "Cup Coral"
- A member of the genus Pentremites
- Three species within Agassizocrinus
- Two species within Scytalocrinus
- A totally unidentifiable Crinoid
- Two species of Bellerophon
- Two species of Gosseletina
- Two species of Leptoptygma
- Two Species of Strobeus
- One species each of Composita and Echinoconchus
- Two species of Cypricardella
- Two species of Coloceras, one of which may actually be Leuroceras
- One species of Dolorthoceras
- An unnamed shark spine