Pill-Soon Song

Pill-Soon Song is a professor in Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea. Song specializes in molecular photobiology. He worked on the structure-function relation of phytochromes and other photoreceptors including stentorin and blepharismin. Presently, his research revolves around the molecular mechanisms involved in overexpression of phytochrome and its related genes in turfgrass and other plant species. Acknowledging his contributions to photobiology, he was elected as Editor-in-Chief for the American Society for Photobiology journal, Photochemistry and Photobiology and received the Finsen Medal in 2009 awarded by the International Union of Photobiology.

Life and education

Born in Osaka, Japan, he studied agricultural chemistry at Seoul National University. and pursued postgraduate studies, receiving a at Seoul National University. He received his Ph.D from University of California in 1964. After a post-doctoral research fellowship at Iowa State University under Prof. David E. Metzler from 1964–65, he then joined Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock, Texas, USA as Assistant Professor in Chemistry.

Awards and honors

Among Song's awards and honours are: