
Piletas is a barrio in the municipality of Lares, Puerto Rico. Its population in 2010 was 5,671.


The United States took control of Puerto Rico from Spain in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1898. In 1899, the United States conducted its first census of Puerto Rico finding that the population of Piletas barrio was 2,455.


In 2017, as Puerto Rico and Lares continued to struggle economically, it was decided that unused public schools, including one in Piletas Arce, would be transformed for use by the agricultural industry of Lares. The school became a community center for local farmers.
La Piramide de Piletas Restaurant, located in Sector Las Lajas, was featured by the Puerto Rico Department of Tourism Discover Puerto Rico campaign.


Barrios in turn are further subdivided into smaller local populated place areas/units called sectores. The types of sectores may vary, from normally sector to urbanización to reparto to barriada to residencial, among others.
The following sectors are in Piletas barrio:
Lito Ramos,
Palo Pana,
Sector Aquino,
Sector Arroyo,
Sector Bayón,
Sector Borges,
Sector Cabán,
Sector Castro,
Sector Catalino Rodríguez,
Sector Club Rotario,
Sector Coquí,
Sector Escuela 1,
Sector Juan Sosa,
Sector La Pista,
Sector Las Casetas,
Sector Los López Segarra,
Sector Núñez,
Sector Olavarría,
Sector Pedro Molina,
Sector Ramón Román,
Sector Reyes Lugo,
Sector Segunda Unidad,
Sector Soller, and
Tramo Carretera 453.