Rousselot's L’intellectualisme de saint Thomas drew attention to the continuing vitality in Thomas’ synthesis of Christian Platonism. Rousselot suggested a new concept of revelation: that revelation be conceived not as a sum total of distinct truths, propositions, judgements, but as a kind of knowledge that is indefinitely cashable in distinct ideas and propositions which explicitate it without being able to exhaust it, and without claiming to supplement it. Revelation, he proposed, was the living and loving knowledge that the apostles had of Jesus. The mode in which the many dogmas are precontained in the single changeless knowledge which is the apostolic deposit is not logical, but Christological. De Lubac's contribution to the question of doctrinal development is largely a restatement of that of Rousselot, whose papers he studied and published.
L'intellectualisme de saint Thomas,.
Pour l'histoire du probleme de l'amour au Moyen Age,.
"Amour spirituel et synthèse apperceptive." Revue de philosophie 225-240.
"L'etre et l'esprit." Revue de philosophie 561-574.
"Les yeux de la foi." Recherches de science religieuse 241-259, 444-475.
"La metaphysique thomiste et la critique de la connaissance." Revue neo-scolastique 476-409.
"Remarques sur l'histoire de la notion de foi naturelle." Recherches de science religieuse 1-36.
"La religion chretienne." Christus, manuel d'histoire des religions, ed. J. Huby. 1912. 3rd ed. 1921.
"Réponse à deux attaques", Recherches de science religieuse 5,, 57-69
Robert N St Hilaire, ‘Desire Divided: Nature and Grace in the Neo-Thomism of Pierre Rousselot’,
Gerald A McCool, From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism,, pp39–58
Gerald A McCool, The Neo-Thomists, , pp97–114
John M McDermott, Love and Understanding: The Relation of Will and Intellect in Pierre Rousselot’s Christological Vision,
John M McDermott, ‘De Lubac and Rousselot’, Gregorianum 78,, 735-59
Aidan Nichols, ‘Henri de Lubac and Pierre Rousselot’, in From Newman to Congar:the idea of doctrinal developmentfrom the Victorians to the Second Vatican Council', pp195–213
P. de Grandmaison. Notice sur le P. Rousselot, et bibliographie de ses ecrits - printed as the introduction to the second edition of Pierre Rousselot, lIntellectualisme de saint Thomas,
J. Lebreton. "Rousselot." Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, '', 1939. 14:col. 134-138.