Phulmania is an Indian, Nagpuri language film directed & produced by Lal Vijay Shahdeo and produced by Nitu Agarwal and Amrita Shahdeo. The film feature Komal Singh in female lead role. The story of the film has based on practice of witch hunting. The film was premiered at Jharkhand International Film Festival Awards 2019 and the 72nd Cannes Film Festival in France. This film also shot in Hindi and will release soon.Plot
The film is based on true incident happened in Jharia.
The story of the film is on issue of witch hunting, gender discrimination and female infertility.Cast
- Komal Singh
- Hansraj Jagtap
- Vineet Kumar
- Nitu Pande
- Khusboo Sharma
- Ravi Bhatia
- Rina Sahay
- Monica Mundu
The music has composed by Nandlal Nayak. Jyoti Sahu has given her voice in two songs and Mukund Nayak in one.Controversy
The film ran into trouble due to its poster.Release
The film released on 6 September 2019 in state capital Ranchi. The censor board issued the release certificate without any cuts. This is the first Nagpuri film released at a Multiplex.Reception
The film mostly received positive reviews.