
The Phaneropterinae, the bush katydids or leaf katydids, are a subfamily of insects within the family Tettigoniidae. Nearly 2060 species in 85 genera throughout the world are known. They are also known as false katydids or round-headed katydids.
The name Phaneropterinae is based upon the Old World genus Phaneroptera, meaning "visible wing", referring to the exposed tips of the inner wings.


The legs of individuals in this subfamily vary from genus to genus, but, as in nearly all Orthoptera, the posterior legs are adapted to leaping, and as such are always much longer than other legs.
The Phaneropterinae are largely arboreal in habitat. The vast majority of species live in shrubs and trees, feeding on leaves and twigs. Some species might potentially cause significant damage, though usually superficial, when present in large numbers, but this is rare; they usually are solitary, unlike meadow grasshoppers, so much so that they seldom come to human notice.
The ovipositor and male genitalia vary according to the genus. The Phaneropterinae differ from other subfamilies of Tettigoniidae in their oviposition; their eggs are rarely deposited in the earth, but are either glued in double rows to twigs, or are inserted in the edges of leaves.


The subfamily Phaneropterinae was first erected in 1838 by German zoologist Hermann Burmeister., Orthoptera Species File lists the following tribes, subtribes, genus groups, and genera.


Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Europe, the Middle East, Africa

Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Americas, Africa


Auth.: Jacobson, 1905 – Europe to central Asia

species mating


Auth.: Massa, 2016 – Africa
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Africa, India, China, Indochina to Australia
Auth.: Rehn, 1950 – tropical Americas


Auth.: Cadena-Castañeda, 2015 – tropical Americas
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1891 – Asia

Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Africa, Asia-Pacific
female laying eggs


Auth.: Rehn, & Hebard, 1914 – tropical & subtropical Americas
Auth.: Massa, 2017 – eastern Africa
Auth.: Hebard, 1922 – Asia
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Americas


Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Asia
Auth.: Karsch, 1890
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Americas, Iberian peninsula, Africa, Pacific islands


Auth.: Karsch, 1889
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878
Auth.: Cadena-Castañeda, 2015 – South America
Auth.: Burmeister, 1838 – distributed worldwide


Auth.: Karsch, 1889 – Africa
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878


Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – South America
Auth.: Cadena-Castañeda, 2015 – Africa
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Africa
Auth.: Karsch, 1890 – Africa
Auth.: Cadena-Castañeda, 2014 – Central and South America


Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Americas
'' sp.


Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – South America

Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Africa, Sri Lanka
Auth.: Bei-Bienko, 1954 – Middle East, India, Malaysia
Auth.: Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Africa, Europe, Middle East, western Asia

Auth.: Cadena-Castañeda, 2015 – Africa, Asia


Auth.: Karsh, 1890 - tropical Africa
Subtribe Trachyzulphina Gorochov, 2014 – China, Indochina, Malesia
Genus groups include:

These genera have not been placed in a tribe: