Petty warfare is a form of irregular warfare where small units attack the enemy's support operation to ensure that the main force enjoys favorable conditions for decisive battles. Petty warfare can be used in both ground and naval combat. The term first appeared during the 18th century and was subsequently developed by Russian and Soviet tacticians.
The term "petty warfare", was first adopted in the early modern period by German people, and was later on used in 18the- and 19th-century Russian literature to refer to a particular form of warfare in which small units, avoiding collisions with larger military forces, attack communication and small fortified posts, enemy convoys, armories, etc. Petty warfare is similar to the later Spanish term guerrilla but differs by using solely of special military forces; guerrilla warfare includes armed civilians and the irregular military. During the Napoleonic Wars, when the use of civilians in military actions became widespread, the term “little war” or petty warfare in Germany was superseded by “people’s war” concept. It was common for 19th-century writers to write about a people’s war against Napoleon to describe the events that took place in Russia. In the early 19th century, a number of books on the theory of petty warfare were published in Russia and were later included as part of officer examinations. The term “little war” was created at the time of a cumbersome system of arsenal supply during the early modern period, when the main means of transport were horses and carts. The Seven Years' War was full of examples of how supply troubles often arose by the capture of transports and the destruction of stores. Such attacks led to the breakdown of planned large-scale military operations. For example, a new expedition of Russian troops to Berlin in late 1761 failed after PrussianLieutenant General von Platen on September 15, 1761 captured a Russian convoy of 5,000 wagons and burned a number of stores that had been prepared for the expedition. Similarly around the same time, a Prussian garrison surrendered because Serbian hussars under the command of Peter Tekeli intercepted their convoy that went from Stettin to Kolberg, which was full of gunpowder stocks and bombs. The development of theories of guerrilla and petty warfare continued in the 1920s and 1930s in the USSR. In 1931, M. A. Drobov wrote a book, "Petty warfare: partisan and sabotage," which summarized the views of military-political leadership in the USSR on the methods of petty warfare. “Petty warfare. Organization and combat tactics of small units” book is the most recent literature in Russian dated 1998.
In 1920s, petty warfare theories were part of the official concepts of the Soviet Navy. Naval petty warfare tactics included rapid surprise attacks on ground enemy units from shores with the support of the air forces and the coastal artillery.
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